Saturday, December 7, 2019

Visual Impaired free essay sample

Link to areas of development (physical, social/emotional/language/cognitive) and any other important areas. (Areas of development linked together and with the visual impaired with various stages mentioned. A clear understanding showing of the impact of the visual impaired on students in various stages and areas of development). Part 2: 1- Discuss the possibility of including children with visual impaired in the UAE? Discuss relevant legislation in other parts of the world? Specific focus on important legislation in the UK and the Salamanca statement. (Both the Salamanca statement (international policy) and the UAE laws regarding inclusion clearly showing understanding of their importance. 2- How can we include children with visual impaired I the classroom? What are the difficulties? Discuss attitude, language, physical environment, support services, training for teachers. Also outline the benefits of inclusion for the child with the visual impaired and for other children. Teachers, parents and the community. depth of understanding is evident in the choice of inclusion/ integration policy (possibility of including how least restrictive environments LRE could work for some children with visual impairment) 3- Support children with visual impaired in the classroom/ creating the IEP. We will write a custom essay sample on Visual Impaired or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Who are the professionals involved in supporting a child with visual impaired? 4- How do they work together? (A comprehensive list of all specialists and examples of their work with the child over a period of time with reference to the IEP being continuously revised and checked for achievement of goals) Part 3: 1- The learning environment: Accommodations and modifications of lesson, base this on (Differentiation, learning style and multiple intelligences). Specific examples must be given in various areas of learning. (Examples of modifications and accommodations must show a deep understanding of what the child with visual impaired needs in order to achieve their learning outcomes). 2- The learning environment: Teaching methods/ tools/ assistive and adaptive technologies (e. g. using technology to help children who are visual impaired. Deep understandings of how to set the classroom environment in such a way that will help the children with the SEN achieve their full potential targeting appropriate methods and learning styles. 3- The possible benefits of using sensory integration to help children develop their skills (cognitive, motor, physical†¦etc) 4- Appendices (two or more screening test. Extra examples of IEPs for visual impaired in addition, to one created by the student s howing areas of development with clear examples of what the objectives (learning, behaviour †¦. etc) are for the child with visual impaired. Reference http://books. oogle. ae/books? id=bM0sk_-O6qACamp;printsec=frontcoveramp;dq=visual+impairmentamp;hl=enamp;sa=Xamp;ei=ALqlUa2JKIaRrQeFlYDwAQamp;redir_esc=y#v=onepageamp;q=visual%20impairmentamp;f=false http://books. google. ae/books? id=QnqSVWNdumoCamp;pg=PA232amp;dq=visual+impairmentamp;hl=enamp;sa=Xamp;ei=-7ulUbnCFoytrAfwrICIAQamp;redir_esc=y#v=onepageamp;q=visual%20impairmentamp;f=false http://books. google. ae/books? id=467U59eeo-ACamp;printsec=frontcoveramp;dq=visual+impairmentamp;hl=enamp;sa=Xamp;ei=ALqlUa2JKIaRrQeFlYDwAQamp;redir_esc=y#v=onepageamp;q=visual%20impairmentamp;f=false

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