Saturday, August 31, 2019

Communication and professional relationships with children Essay

Understand the principles of developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults 1.1 Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults Working with children requires you to build relationships with them, but also in ways that are professional. The quality of the relationship that you have with children, young people and adults has a huge effect on the way in which you can then work with them and encourage learning and behaviour. Positive relations with children and young people are important because when children and young people feel more comfortable in the relationships they have with you they can then separate themselves more from anxieties or trust that you will support them with these in order for them to learn more effectively and met their targets. They will also feel more confident in participating in school, learning activities and learn to become more independent physically and emotionally. 1.2 Explain the principles of relationship building with children, young people and adults The main principles of relationship building with children, young people and adults is to gain their confidence within you as well as them feeling more comfortable in your company. If children, young people and adults feel more comfortable with your company then they are likely to communicate more openly and effectively. In order to building positive relationships with all you need to consider the following key points: You are demonstrating effective clear communication ? Understanding and consideration ? Retain the information that they have disclosed to you ? Listening skills ? Maintain humour remaining professional at all times ? Respect 1.3 Explain how different social, professional and cultural contexts may affect relationships and the way people communicate. When you are looking at your relationship with your different client (age) groups you need to consider the following areas, the context that you speak and in which you work with individuals. You may need to adapt the way you communicate with one individual to others. I think that sometimes you do this without thinking at work and within my role I complete this automatically with the children I work with as well as my immediate colleagues. I can evidence this in the use of language that I would speak to a child to an adult. There would be a more formal language to colleagues / adults then there would to children and the vocabulary used may also be more in depth and less simplified. Within my organisation there is a certain set format of which we deliver communication and this is also set out in communicating outside of face to face contact such as telephone, emails and correspondence. There also needs to be a view to the way we communication to individuals that may have a different cultural. In communicating with all people there needs to be train of thought all the time considering how we are being portrayed and to make sure that a polite manner is delivered as well as comfortable and open body language, in all this considered then this would enable you to have effective relationships with all and in turn strength your working relationships with all and help deliver the role that you are required to complete more effectively. Understand how to communicate with children, young people and adults Understand the principles of developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults 2.1 Explain the skills needed to communicate with children and young people You will demonstrate through your working role a number of skills in order to communicate effectively with the children and young people you work with and more often enough you will complete these without realising. It is good practice to reflect back on your skills and make sure you are communicating correctly. When communicating with children, young people and adults you should always give them opportunities to speak. Some children, young people and adults may have confidence issues so it is important to work on this with the individual and make sure that you are showing them you value their views. Visual eye contact and actively listening is a good way of communicating and making the child, young person feel valued and you are interested in what they are saying. In completing this form of communicating with the individual this may help towards the growth of their confidence in communicating. Body language is also important in communicating and making yourself open can make you more approachable for children, young people and adults to want to speak to you or ask you for help. For example if you are sitting next to a child or young person rather than standing over them this can be more approachable as standing over them can be seen as intimidating. Reacting to what the individual is telling you even with a simple nod of the head can be enough for them to know you are listening and interested. Commenting on what they are saying or asking questions will again open more dialogue with the child, young person and adult. Children and young people will respond to how you communicate to them and they will learn from you, so you need to be aware of this as they will use these tools themselves hopefully in the situations they are in away from your support. 2.2 Explain how to adapt communication with children and young people for: a) the age of the child or young people Children of all different ages will need you to adapt your language accordingly for them to gain full understanding. For example younger children may need more reassurance so in order to make them feel less worried and more secure, you may use a lower tone in your voice or open body language. Physical contact is not to be encouraged as this would not be appropriate although in some situations this cannot be avoided, but you should always be mindful of your position in a teaching assistant role. An older child would possibly not require this much level of support so your communication may be more straight forward and to a high level of vocabulary. b) the context of the communication More often than enough you will be dealing with children in all manners of situations so you need to be mindful of this and adapt your verbal communication accordingly. If you are working in a class environment then you need to make sure that the child or young person is well supported, you are clear in your instruction of work task and less distraction the better so focus is maintained so you would need to discourage this from occurring. In situations I find myself in sometimes the sensory level of a classroom can be very high and the child I am supporting and cannot focus and work so I would remove them from the class situation and work with them back in the facility which is a quieter environment. Another form of communicating with a child or young person may be more social situation that may occur in break or lunch periods that you are supervising, but in these situations again you need to be mindful of how much information you share in your context. Children, young people and adults do like to get to know you as well as you them so you may find that they ask a personal question in communicating. These can be answers to a certain degree or humour is also a good strategy to use in this situation as again you need to be mindful of your role. Rather than shutting the conversation down you may want to change the discussion topic to something they like or may be doing in the holidays or after school. Another important factor is for you to never give out your personal contact details to a child or young person as you need to always follow the college / organisations procedures especially with regards to the Safeguarding policy. c) communication differences You should ensure care and sensitivity is taken with children and young people and time is taking especially in communicating with those that may have learning disabilities such as a stammer. When working with these children it is important not to finish off their sentences or insert wording as this may knock their confidence. Although you may think you are helping this could be seen as pressure and then may have a negative reaction of which the child may not wish to communicate anymore. Should a child or young person you find yourself working with have hearing impairment then it would be good practice to speak to them face to face so that they can see you and lip read if required. Sign language can also be used learnt from specialist training and for those who do not speak English as their first language you could be assisted with a translator. 2.3 Explain the main difference between communicating with adults and communicating with children and young people There are many similarities in communicating with adults and communicating with children and young people such as tone, context, body language, respect and listening. There will be a difference in what is discussed and you need to always be mindful or your position within your school and the relationship you have with these individuals. Should you be discussing work issues these may be confidential so you would need to follow these guidelines. However well you get on with anyone you work with or support as Teaching Assistant you will always need to remain professional. It is important to remember when working with children that you are setting an example so however you communicate with them they will take this on board and may use themselves. Physical contact with anyone you work with should not be encouraged and although this may not be avoided at times you should not offer this as a form of reassurance at any time. 2.4 Explain how to adapt communication to meet different communication needs of adults It is important that we are aware of needs of adults and particularly those that may have communication difficulties themselves. You may need to adapt the methods you use and again you may do this without realising, but you should always make sure that you reflect on these skills and if you need to support an adult in understanding ask them what is the best way to do so. Our school often sends out emails and written communication and if this was non readable for some careers, guardians then you could offer to speak to them regarding this information face to face or over the telephone. If for any reason there is a complex situation to communicate to an adult then again support should be given and perhaps another member of staff could be present to help set out the format of the discussion. When I had to communicate to parents at a student termly review I had to make sure that the appropriate professional language was used. I set out what I was going to say and made sure I used clear. I researched the information such as data regarding the childs grade that I had to feedback and made sure this was accurate to the parent. At the end of the meeting I confirmed everything I had said in a summary form and also asked the parent if they understood what we had discussed and asked them for feedback directly to myself. The feedback given was positive and I feel I met my goal. I did explain to them that if they were not happy with anything that had been discussed or my performance then they were welcome to speak to my line manager. It is important to give alternative in communicating and feedback as sometimes people may not feel they can address this with you direct so other pathways need to be put in place to show good practice. 2.5 Explain how to manage disagreements with children, young people and adults. I have found that when I have been in a situation where I have to disagree with the child, young person or adult the best way to manage this is to always remain calm and clear. The situation should be managed carefully and sensitively as well as recorded for future reference. If there is a problem raised then it is best to try and deal with this as sensitively as you can, but as quick as possible as the longer a problem can go on then this can escalate and cause more upset. In managing disagreements you always need to consider the following in order I believe to resolve them. Good communication as poor can lead to further misunderstanding, opposing expectations, difference values and opinions, external influences and lack of confidence so sometimes in this case children my result to physical actions in disagreement as they cannot verbalise what they want to say. A good format to use when dealing with disagreement could be put in place by your department which may consist of the following: ? Be approachable and demonstrate open body language ? Use appropriate language and speak clearly ? Listen to all ? Be sympathetic and supportive ? Do not interrupt or anticipate what the others may say ? Record detail should this be needed in the future Understand legislation, policies and procedures for confidentiality and sharing information, including data protection 3.1 Summarise the main points of legislation and procedures covering confidentiality, data protection and the disclosure of information. Within my role I have to make sure that I understand and follow the policies and procedures in place relating to confidentiality and data protection. This is very important considering I work with children and young adults. I have completed a number of training courses in order to gain further understanding of these policies and to meet the requirements set out within my job description. These being: Every Child Matters, Data Protection Act 1998, Safe Guarding and Health, Safety and Welfare. Within my previous role confidentiality and data protection again was very important so I believe I have a high understanding of this area. I use passwords on my computer to protect information as well as having a passwords to log into my account so others cannot access my data. Paper based files and records are locked away in the main office that my line manager allows us authorised access to should we require this. I am aware that out of date confidential paper-based records need to be shredded so these are not read or misplaced and seen by others as the records are sensitive to the individual. We are also asked to follow procedures relating to contacting children’s parents directly and again any contact would be authorised only by our line manager or head of the school. I also know and understand when and how to share information and what is accessible within my role and that which I am not allowed to be aware of as this is not my level of responsibility. In sharing information with others and if you are not sure you should always ask for permission whether this be relating to verbal information or photographs of children or adults permission is always required due to the legislation. 3.2 Explain the importance of reassuring children, young people and adults of the confidentiality of shared information and the limits of this. As mentioned above you may be sometimes in a position where you need to reassure others about the fact that information is confidential and you cannot share detail without consent or the parent or other professional. However if there was any risk to a child, young person or adult that would put them at harm then this can be placed on the school to disclose information in supporting the case. There also may be cases where details of the child, young person or adults records may need to be shared for example medical conditions, but again the school would follow a restricted policy in order to complete this so again reassure would be addressed to the individual that only those working with this person would have access to this information. Confidentiality is very important as this will enable positive working relationships and professionalism. 3.3 Justify the kinds of situations when confidentiality protocols must be breached If you find yourself in a situation where a child, young person or adult tells you something in secret it is important to make them aware that in your position you cannot keep a secret so would need to confidentially tell another member of staff, preferably your line manager. This is particularly the case in the importance of suspected child abuse where you must disclose the information you have been told as the young person could be at harm or risk if you did not breach this trust. You can of course reassure the individual that you have to tell another member of staff in order to support them due to the seriousness of the situation. I was sadly in a positive such as this and I advised the individual I could listen to what they were telling me, but I would have to tell my line manager in order to support further due to the seriousness of the situation of what they had told me. I also explained to them as I think it is important to be honest as they are being with you that as a Teaching Assistant my role is to support them but I cannot withhold details as again this will not help them and they need support. I also had to make a record of these written so that these could be recalled at a later stage. Written detail at the time is highly important as going back to what you have said or been told at a later stage and recalling this only by memory is not as effective as important detail could be missed again putting the child at risk. The situation was dealt with and steps where put in place and I was asked not to disclose information to other colleague as this may of affected the above of which I understood fully.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Alternative Medicine and Unit Learning Outcome Essay

It is important to have a holistic approach to managing pain and discomfort by looking at the situation as a whole. Not just the physical side but also the mental, emotional, spiritual and social needs. Conventional medicine, alternative and complementary therapies can be used as options to relieve pain and other symptoms if desired. The care plan has been made with information which supports their lifestyle and culture. The purpose is to bring comfort, dignity and peace to the clients as well as support to their family members. 11. 2Describe different approaches to alleviate pain and minimise discomfort Answer Use drugs such as paracetamol, morphine, and ibuprofen. Use physical methods like hot water bottle, massage, cooling with ice, repositioning. Exercise methods such as walking around or taking other exercises, having a chat or doing something else to distract from pain. Alternative therapies such as aromatherapy, homeopathic medicine, reflexology, acupuncture, yoga – these therapies should be used only where care professional agrees with the beneficial effects. 11. 3Outline agreed ways of working that relate to man-aging pain and discomfort Answer Before using any of the methods to manage pain, the client needs to be assessed, as every kind of pain relief can be harmful, care plan and policies and procedures always have to be followed and necessary precautions have to be taken. 22. 1Describe how pain and discomfort may affect an individual’s wellbeing and communication Answer 22. 2Encourage an individual to express feelings of dis-comfort or pain Answer 22. 3Encourage an individual to use self-help methods of pain control Answer 22. 4Assist an individual to be positioned safely and com-fortably Answer 22. 5Carry out agreed measures to alleviate pain and discomfort Answer 33. 1Carry out required monitoring activities relating to management of an individual’s pain or discomfort Answer 33. 2Complete records in required ways Answer 33. 3Report findings and concerns as required Answer The above is an accurate record of the questioning. Learner signature:Date: Assessor signature:Date:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Chapter 31.1 1-9 Flashcards Example for Free (#31)

Chapter 31.1 1-9 Created new ideas on space, time, energy and matter. He created the theory of relativity, how motion is the key to his idea. Relative motion is the key to Einsteins theory so it was called the theory of relativity A Australian physician whos ideas were like Einsteins. He studied the human mind and said there was a â€Å"irrational† part of the mind where people did not know what was happening and they did whatever made them happy. The idea that there is no universal meaning to life German philosopher who argued that reason and democracy was destroying people’s creativity and actions. He wanted people to return to ancient heroic values and pride. A new art movement that was inspired by a world of dreams and real life A new style of music that emerged that was developed in New Orleans and Chicago. It was loose and lively. He was the first American pilot who made the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean. In your opinion, whose contribution has had the most lasting impact? I think Albert Einstein because his ideas were very revolutionary and they are still used today. They put a base idea to use for the rest of time. Why were the ideas of Einstein and Freud revolutionary? Because they showed how people and things worked and their minds and their ideas are still being used today How did literature in the 1920’s reflect the uncertainty of the period? People were uncertain of wether to keep using democracy or start using their ideas and being creative. What impact did the increased use of the automobile have of the average people? Families were able to travel more for fun, cars were more affordable, it made transportation easier and faster and more fun. Why do you think writers and artists began exploring the unconcious? I think so because they wanted to see how different parts of the human mind worked and why this one part was so different. Why did some women begin demanding more political and social freedom? Because new things were being created and women wanted the opportunity to have more political and social freedom. Why were new medical treatments and inventions developed during WWI? So new weapons could be improved or created and used as battle tactics in WWII or any upcoming fights â€Å"Buy a radio today! Listen to latest news, plays and live sporting events on the air!† Einstein QUIZ HYBRID Atomic Bomb Controversy Einstein Child Einstein Chap 26 Sec 5, Chap 28 Sec 1Questions Part VI: The Twentieth Century Chapter 7: EMR, Planck, Einstein, de Broglie, Bohr APUSH- CH. 34 & 35 Philip Glass Knee Play 1 from Einstein On The Beach company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy We will write a custom sample essay on

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Marketing transportation assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing transportation assignment - Essay Example This process goes through a machine. The machine has three compartments. Bottles that come from the roll conveyor get into the machine for successive treatment. The bo0ttles are cleaned in the frost compartment with a small amount t of caustic soda at a temperature of 100 to 115 F. In the second compartment the bottles are again rewashed with a small amount of caustic soda at a temperature of to the third compartment, the bottles are rinsed again with sort ware for another ten minutes (Kachru, 693). In this place, syrup is prepared from filtered water, sugar and the concentrate. The room is filtered with several tanks where the first one is heating tank where syrup is actually prepared. Here the amount of sugar concentrate is heated up to 850 F where a saturated solution is made (Kachru, 693). The filled bottles are then crowned with plastic or metallic caps to protect the purity of the content .They are then branded with the necessary information by the help of laser machine for its supply in the market .the bottles are then lifted manually from the conveyor and packed. After all this process then the wholesalers take the beverages from the pepsin manufacturer and distribute it to the wholesaler (Kachru,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How important is social stratification to civilization Essay

How important is social stratification to civilization - Essay Example uss the importance of social stratification to civilization by using examples such as Egypt, Rome, China, Vietnam, Egypt and Greece to show how societies in these countries depended on social stratification. Without social classes, the whole system will collapse as social classes hold it together. The king may turn into a dictator and order the killing of those who are not in support of him, the workers and slaves may commit mutiny, the merchants would refuse to sell their goods and even the high priests would all fight in order to get the throne. This would create a very chaotic scenario. Social classes, therefore, define the position of an individual in society be they a slave or a worker in the Army.1 An instance can be shown such as in Africa, Egypt; the society was structured like a pyramid. At the top were the gods who were believed to control the universe and so they needed to be kept happy as they had the ability to make the Nile flow for instance or cause famine and death. They could elevate some humans to be gods, the pharaohs, for instance, who had absolute power over their subjects and had many responsibilities among them protection of the people. Individuals in Egypt abused their powers by the establishment of leaders amongst themselves and hierarchy that was based on the wealth and individual importance. This led to destructive forces for the fragile societies leading to the disappearance of lasting civilizations. In Rome, there were two distinct political classes, the rich and powerful and the merchants, farmers, soldiers, and artisans. The patricians expelled the king and instituted a whole new government and monopolized all political offices in Rome. Even though the patricians were confident in their wealth, they could not survive without the others who mainly served to provide food. There was the lack of autonomy and welfare, and so social stratification did not exist. This serves as a basic example of the effects of a collapse in the social

Monday, August 26, 2019

Psychology Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Psychology Project - Essay Example There have been many studies done in order to determine these. The first article was entitled â€Å"Further Refining the Stress-Coping Model of Alcohol Awareness†. In this article, it was shown that coping measures as far as alcohol consumption and stress differ in regards to the type of stress that is encountered. It was hypothesized based on previous experimentation that men are more likely to encounter heavy drinking as a coping mechanism than females due to their limited coping abilities. There have also been inconsistencies in trying to diagnose whether specific people are more prone to this kind of coping measure than others. The first deals with the variability, which is experienced across the board when people deal with stress. This being that coping measures are not just maladaptive or adaptive, but each are tailored to deal with a certain type of stressor. The second is that there has not been substantial evidence and consistency in showing that gender factors play a role in coping and drinking. The experimental design for this study was a short-term design, which was based on self-reporting measures. In particular, three variables were hypothesized that could take into account for gender differences. The first is coping using the support of others. It has been shown that students that are experiencing a stressor in regards to a relationship or social situation are less likely to turn to alcohol if their coping mechanisms are more guided towards the support of others. In particular, it has been shown in women that experience an interpersonal stressor that they are less likely to drink as a coping measure due to greater social support seeking. The second hypothesis shows that the more in control of the external stressors that a person is experiencing, the less likely they are to turn to alcohol as a coping measure. The third hypothesis is based on previous research which states that men are more likely to use active seeking coping strategies and women are more likely to seek social supporting strategies for coping. Thus the use of alcohol was found to be higher in males than in females. The population had a sample size of 83 participants from different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. These participants were tested using many different types of surveys and testing batteries. They were prescreened with the Michigan Alcohol Screening Tests and the College Students’ Recent Life Experiences test. These stressful factors were then broken down into four core areas: life management, social relationships, school, and general social adjustment. Then, they returned for three weeks and were asked how many times they engaged in heavy drinking, which was defined as five or more alcoholic drinks. The final survey that had to take was the COPE to assess their skills in active coping, avoidant coping, and social support seeking coping. The statistics were analyzed using mixed modeling interactions and this took into account correlation coefficients and t-test values. Men that had higher scores in active coping and social support seeking coping were less likely to engage in dangerous activities involving alcohol. If men using avoidant coping measures, they were more likely to engage in the use of alcohol. For women, the same statistical data was also recorded. There is some validity to the measures that were

ROSACEA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ROSACEA - Assignment Example It will also note triggers to avoid, and alleviating factors to use for relief of symptoms, on which you can educate your patient. The condition may affect all segments of the population. However, it is most likely to affect people with fair skin that tend to flush easily (National Rosacea Society, 2015). It is also most likely to be found in women. The disease may also develop severe symptoms that are most evident in men (National Rosacea Society, 2015). There are various symptoms of the disorder. The symptoms sometimes are periodic. The primary symptom is where the skin turns red (NHS, 2014). However, there are other symptoms that develop as the condition progresses. They include burning and stinging sensation, long lasting redness, spots, and visibility of small blood vessels in the skin (NHS, 2014). The condition has no known cure. Treatment entails self-help measures and some form of medication. The most effective way is to avoid known triggers for the condition such as hot drinks, alcohol, and exposure to sunlight (NHS, 2014). There are medications that are used in relieving symptoms. Hence, the patient needs to be well educated on how to use such medications. Some forms of medication such as the use of creams and gels may help in reducing spots and redness. There is also some oral medication used in relieving severe spots (NHS,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Three most common drugs in USA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Three most common drugs in USA - Research Paper Example The research has also concluded that, over five years people have come fonder of marijuana, mainly including the group age of 12 or older. The survey of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has recorded that, 70,000 of the population hits under this age group. This usage of marijuana drug is increasing because of the announced legalization of marijuana, comprising the medical terms. Usage of marijuana has been legalized by the two states of America, Washington and Colorado. On the other hand, the other 20 states have approved and consent the usage of marijuana on the medical terms only. This is the reason, why people of age 12 or older are accessing marijuana easily in Washington and Colorado. Even the Justice Department of US refused to take any challenge against the legalization of marijuana. The people in these states can openly be prosecuted by the federal law, even if they stood by the state law. President Obama said that, the usage of drugs is committed for the public health purpose only, not a criminal justice problem. The legalized law of marijuana other than the medical purpose is allowing people a free hand to go for this drug, â€Å""These statistics represent real people, families and communities dealing with the devastating consequences of abuse and addiction." (Leinwand) Cocaine is another type of drug which is being roughly used is America. The survey conducted by The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), has recorded that in the year 2008 there has been 1.9million users of cocaine. Out of this number approximately 359,000 has been recorded as the current crack users. The most age group of Americans using cocaine is the adults from age 18 to 25 years old. Men are highly involved in the usage of cocaine as compared to women. Powder cocaine has been in the use of the students of 8th, 10th and 12th grade from late 1990s. But the previous record

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Victims of Organizational Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Victims of Organizational Crime - Essay Example Organizational crime is examined and prosecuted by the federal and state administrations. For most individuals, organizational crime is not observed as a crime at all, for the reason of its non-violent nature. Violent crime has an instant and apparent effect on its victims that raises the consideration of the public, whereas organizational crime repeatedly goes unnoticed or is observed as a bending of the rules. Organizational crime; on the other hand, can have more of an impact than violent crimes. The victim of a violent crime can recuperate, where as the victim of organizational crime can have immeasurable impact that can destroy one's home, family, and even life. The genuine problem behind organizational crime is not defining organizational crime, but developing the suitable means to correct this type of crime. Organizational crimes offenders are much more likely to be employed steadily than conventional criminals and are slightly less likely to be unemployed than the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are better educated than either conventional criminals or the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are more likely to be male and white than conventional offenders. Organizational crimes offenders are generally older than either conventional criminals or the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are much better off financially than conventional criminals, but not as well off as the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are more likely to have a prior arrest than the general public, but less likely than conventional criminals. A victim of organizational crime should gather and save all documentation that directly relates to the losses. If an arrest is made and a conviction is attained, the judge will think requiring the offender to pay victim for restitution. Victims of organizational crimes experience varying level of emotional trauma. A victim of organizational crime may feel some or all of the following: 1) Annoyance, antipathy, and a sense of infidelity toward the criminal for taking advantage of one. 2) Aggravation with criminal justice experts. 3) Disgrace, humiliation, and guilt if one feels one contributed to one's victimization. (Weisburd, et. al. 2001) Some victims find it helpful to seek the services of a counseling professional, clergy member, or advocacy organization. Contact your victim/witness coordinator if you need help in locating such services. A number of states, including Washington, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Rhode Island, Florida, and Oklahoma, have enacted Victims' Bills of Rights. These states have provided victims of crimes the right to be informed of state victim compensation programs, to be treated with dignity and compassion, to be provided with counseling and other forms of assistance by agencies established specifically to serve crime victims and to have certain procedural rights in the prosecution of the crime in which they were victimized, including the right to be notified of important developments in the case and to be heard on such questions as sentencing and parole. Although judges have long had the power to order organizational crime offenders to pay restitution to their victims, for a variety of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Working in a Virtual World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Working in a Virtual World - Essay Example This brings in the best of the talent present in the multiple locations in which the virtual world exists. Moreover, the virtual world brings forth the use of many technologies, which makes it even more interesting, as communication and collaboration becomes easier and working on any project becomes a dream-come-true even if each member of the project is kilometers away from each other. The barriers that would have been present in any virtual organizations - that of time and distance - have been conveniently removed by the technologies that are used, essentially that of telecommunications and computing. Furthermore, the virtual organization is flexible, because it is the management of an organization over a virtual set up. This also makes the virtual organization dynamic and ever-changing; it is restless in nature and dares to experiment with new ideas and creative techniques of operation. And lastly, the most important attribute which gives virtual organizations a unique touch is th e integration that results and which enhances and brings out the best in all individuals to level out complete synergy and work in favor of the organization. There is always a limit as to the efficient performance of the communications network that has been set up. As will be mentioned in the next few pages, handling and managing communication with remote workers will be one of the biggest challenges for the organization. For example, there will be a potential limit as to how much of transmission can the bandwidth set up do. Therefore, the moment that limit is crossed, the speed of communication gets slowed down and thus collaboration gets difficult. (Gareth, 1998) A very big disadvantage for virtual organizations lies in the fact that there may be hardware and software compatibility issues with the remote workers. The hardware that the remote worker uses will most probably be personal and would not be a specialized computer, rather just a simple one to keep at a house. The software that the management expects the remote worker to use would be specialized and would not be that efficient on an old, slow or mediocre computer. Thus, this mismatch is likely to result in low productivity and frustration of the employee to get things done the way management wants him to do. Computer security is an issue for the virtual organizations because they exist on around a million personal computers of all their remote workers. Leakage of information is highly likely. Technology that is being used in managing a virtual organization is most likely to evolve over time. Updating it in the many computers of the many remote workers would be difficult. The Advantages - Employee and Employer The virtual organization has many advantages for the employee: Often organizations experience an increase in production, but there is no as such acceleration in productivity, as should be the case. Therefore, implementing a virtual organization helps increase productivity and the number of output per worker, thus improving quality and not just the quantity of work that is being produced. Moreover, the employee is always at a pressure from all the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Acceleration of falling cones Investigation Essay Example for Free

Acceleration of falling cones Investigation Essay Safety Statement:- To make this investigation safe I will wear sensible shoes, this make sure that I will not fall or trip on the table whilst carrying out the investigation. Prediction:- I predict that the smaller the surface area of the cone the faster it will fall. I know this as the more surface area the cone has the more air resistance there is. I also know this as when I carried out some research on parachutes, I discovered, that the larger the parachute the quicker the forces balanced, making the parachute fall slowly. Also, the smaller the parachute the longer it took for the forces to balance out, making the parachute fall much quicker. When I looked at a person freefalling (standing up) the results were that this also took at long time for the forces to balance out. When I saw the results of a person lying down I could see that the forced balanced out quickly, making the person fall slower. I know that it doesnt matter what weight an object has, it falls at the same acceleration, and lands on the ground at the same time. On the moon a feather and a golf ball were dropped at the same time, they both hit the surface of the moon at the same time. In any atmosphere when there is a gas or a liquid they initially drop at the same acceleration, encountering a drag force; this increases as it goes faster. The drag force increases until it equals the weight force, the forces are then balanced and it cant go any faster. This is called terminal velocity. Equipment:- The equipment that I shall use will be a stopwatch; to make sure that the times are as accurate as possible, a table of which to stand on when dropping the cone, and sensible shoes whilst standing on the table, I will also have a metre rule to measure the 2m distance, from the floor to the bottom of the cone. Method:- In this experiment I will time how long it takes for a cone to fall 2m. Each time I will make the cone slightly smaller, and therefore decreasing the surface area each time. I will then repeat each size three times: taking an average of the three times, of which I will then plot all the points on a graph. This will hopefully prove my prediction correct. The piece of card forming the cone will be moved 20? for each part of the experiment. Variables:- Distance, Surface area, Weight. The variable that I am going to change will be the surface area of the cone. This will help me determine whether or not my prediction is proven correct. Fair Test:- To make this experiment a fair test, I will take an average of the times of the cone falling after repeating the experiment three times. I will also make sure that I move the piece of card forming the cone around 20? each time, making the surface area of the cone decrease in regular intervals. Obtaining:- Results:- Angle (degrees? ) Surface Area (cm) Time (seconds) 1st Time (seconds) 2nd Time (seconds) 3rd Average Time (seconds) Velocity (m/s)nalysis:- My results show that the bigger the surface area of the cone the slower the cone would fall. This was due to the forces balancing out quicker. The smaller the surface area the quicker the cone would fall, it therefore takes longer for the forces to balance out, causing it to have a higher velocity. Looking at the graph above you can see that it did take longer for the cone to fall with a larger surface area. In the graph below you can see that the smaller the surface area the higher the velocity, (the time it took for the cone to fall in metres per second) My results show that my prediction was correct, the smaller the area the faster the cone will fall. The terminal velocity only lasted for a couple of cm, as the forces balanced out quite quickly. Velocity formula Distance = Velocity Time Example:- 2 = 1. 38 1. 45 The larger the area the smaller the velocity, this is because it takes longer for the cone to reach the ground. The larger the area the more air resistance it encounters, this makes it fall slower to the ground. My conclusion for this experiment is that the larger the area the longer it takes for the cone to fall, it therefore has a lower velocity. The smaller the area the quicker the cone falls, it also has a higher velocity. Evaluation:- The investigation I carried out was very good, as the results for each of the experiments that I carried out had almost the same time for each, the average was also very close to the time it took for each of the cones to fall. This data was very reliable. There are not any results that dont fit the pattern in the graphs. To carry out this investigation I had to measure the height of 2 metres of which the cone would be dropped each time. These results were then recorded, and then I took the average of each result, and plotted these points on a graph. If I did this experiment again I would take more results of each area to make the averages even more accurate, and reliable data. As well as having more data if this experiment was done again I would extend the experiment to involve weight. I would then try to prove that the weight of the cone would not affect the velocity and time of the cone falling. This would help me determine whether or not I was right about weight not being a factor of affecting the time and velocity. If I was to do this then this would be my experiment then this would be what I would do:- Prediction:- I predict that the weight would not make an impact on the time it takes for the cone to fall, and its velocity. Equipment:- Plastacine Stopwatch, Metre rule, Piece of card with cone and angles drawn on it. This time the variable I would change would be the weight of the cone. Method:- I would drop the cone with a ball of plastercine in it from a height of 2m. Each time I drop it I would change the weight of the plastercine, repeating this three times each for each different weight, this way I could get an average of the times, making it even more accurate. Acceleration and terminal velocity of falling cones.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Prime Duty of the Government Is to Serve Essay Example for Free

Prime Duty of the Government Is to Serve Essay The dining area is more than just an area to place the  tables and chair. It should be inviting, warm and cozy, a place where the family enjoys sitting together. Think back to your childhood. Chances are, mealtimes stand out in your memory. The family sits together, eats, and talks. If you dont want everyone to just eat and run, strive to make this place as inviting as possible. Here are some tips. Seating All too often we come across sleek  dining room chairs  with little or no padding. Although these may look good depending on the rest of the decor, they are not the most comfortable. If you like to linger over a meal with your loved ones, ensure that the seats are as comfortable as can be, with plenty of padding. If the dining table is placed in the corner of a room, consider placing sofa-bench style seating on the wall-side of the table. You could have comfortable chairs on the other side. Candles Eat by candlelight! You dont need to spend a fortune replenishing candles. Take a tall glass, fill it up with water, and float a tea-light on the top. Light this every night. A single tea-light burns for around four hours, so it should last you three or four nights. You could lower the lights and truly enjoy the experience and reduce electricity costs. Place a  dimmer  switch on the lights. Keep a tall candlestand on the center of the table to hold straight, elegant candles. Light these when entertaining. Flowers A vase of flowers looks charming. Ensure it doesnt occupy too much space, and you dont need to remove it when serving the food or when seated at the table. Also, remember that the flowers should not prevent people on the table from seeing each other. Tablecloth Stay clear from  plastic tablecloths, no matter how practical they are! If your children spill when they eat and want to avoid staining wooden polish, invest in a table with a  glass tabletop. Alternatively, use a regular cloth tablecloth. Anything simple, which you can subject to regular wear and tear, will do. Keep the fancy tablecloths for entertaining. When purchasing tableware, dont pick up anything that catches your fancy. Try to co-ordinate the items. This is easy to ensure when you are decorating your home from scratch. If you already have a crockery set that you use on a daily basis, pick up a couple of tablecloths to match this crockery. Pick up a separate tablecloth to go with your expensive crockery that you plan to use only when entertaining. In any case, whether to use a tablecloth or not is entirely up to you. If you table is very attractive by itself, skip the tablecloth entirely. But if your table is stained or otherwise in poor condition, cover it up. Mats Always use  placemats  though. A table is not completely set without mats. If you are using  cloth napkins, it is a good idea to starch them. Sideboard If you have the space in your dining room, invest in a sideboard. You can store your crockery, cutlery,  placemats, napkins and tablecloths here, so when you are  setting the table, everything will be easily within reach. In addition, you can always keep valuable crockery, like silverware, in your sideboard under  lock and key.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Interpreting Indigenous Culture in Art: A History

Interpreting Indigenous Culture in Art: A History Mahealani Subad Abstract Art has been a historical connection for many cultures, such as Indigenous culture, as they protect the history of communities and allows for the new generation of the community to learn of their past through artwork and documentaries. However, due to misrepresentations from artwork such as paintings, sculptures, films, Indigenous identity can be represented by stereotypes created by non-Indigenous artists who interpreted indigenous culture into their own artworks, which they presented to society. Although with the misrepresentations are still present in todays society, modern indigenous artists have emerged, for which they presented Indigenous art that represents Indigenous identity where the art is themed based on Indigenous cultural values, such as family, and the realities Indigenous people face within society. Within this research paper, it will discuss how modern indigenous artist can diminish the stereotypes that have been produced by non-Indigenous artists through their inter pretation of Indigenous culture. Introduction Throughout history, art has been a historical connection in many cultures as it allows for those in the community to protect their cultural identity within history and to create a connection between the old and new generation to learn about their heritage. However, Indigenous art has been known to show misinterpretations of Indigenous people made by non-Indigenous artists who presented their perspectives of Indigenous culture and shown it to society without any prior knowledge of Indigenous culture. Now, within modern day society, Indigenous art still holds a fascination with Western culture, but presents Indigenous art in a new perspective as Indigenous artists are emerging representing their culture to society. These modern contemporary Indigenous art pieces are based on Indigenous cultural themes and values such as family, connections to their land territory, and to present the realities Indigenous people confront with in todays society. Within this research paper, it will discuss the differences of Indigenous artwork throughout history, for which it will answer the question of how modern contemporary Indigenous artwork, such as paintings and films, has diminished the stereotypes of Indigenous people which had been produced through Indigenous artwork done by non-Indigenous people. Examples, such as Emily Carr who was mostly known for her work in Group of Seven, was one of the artists that had been inspired by Indigenous culture and produced indigenous art to display to society with the belief that indigenous culture was vanishing (Morra, 2005). With perspectives of Indigenous culture such as Emily Carrs many indigenous artworks that were produced in the past may have contributed to the stereotypes that many see in society today. Background Indigenous culture has always been a fascination between Western culture throughout history, for which many artists looked upon Indigenous communities as inspiration for their artwork. Non-Indigenous artists, such as Emily Carr, have been known for their Indigenous artwork within Canada as they created their art pieces within Indigenous communities to recreate authentic representations of Indigenous culture. Famous for her work in the Canadian artist group, Group of Seven, Emily Carr focused on landscape artwork throughout the duration of her career. Although known for her work in the Group of Seven, Emily Carr was also known for her Indigenous artwork that focused on Indigenous material culture (Morra, 2005). Upon working on her indigenous art pieces, Carr often focused her inspirations on native villages, totem poles, and poetry (Halkes, 2006). As Carr took inspiration of Indigenous culture for her art work, she believed that her work served as a purpose to preserve Indigenous cult ure through her work (Morra, 2005). While visiting indigenous communities to capture their culture through her work, Carr had the belief that by showcasing Indigenous material within her art it would bring awareness to Western society that Indigenous communities that were vanishing (Morra, 2005). Although Carr had the notion that by documenting Indigenous culture through her artwork, Hollywood films began to emerge, but with a dominant culture portraying as the heroes (Stoddard, Marcus, Hicks, 2014, p.9). In case study, it analyzed two Indigenous films that were prominently made by non-Indigenous filmmakers, in which, they found both used white male characters to narrate the film and the main target audience for the films are white and middle-class (Stoddard, Marcus, Hicks, 2014, p.15-16). Majority of these films cater to these audiences as Hollywood films choose to represent those who are apart of Western society, which they present them as the dominant society within these films (Stoddard, Marcus, Hicks, 2014, p.17). Nonetheless, with Indigenous films made by non-Indigenous filmmakers are prone to cater to white audiences with a white male character as the main role, this also presents itself to younger generations such as students, where they may be subjected into belie ving that the representation of Indigenous people within the films are realistic, therefore adding on to the stereotyping Indigenous identity through films. Comparison to Emily Carrs work, modern contemporary Indigenous art work creates a more prominent view of Indigenous cultures as it expands to different sources of media such ass paintings, sculptures, and films. At the National Gallery of Canada, they hosted an exhibition called Sakahan, International Indigenous Art which showcased Indigenous artwork done by Indigenous artists from around the world (Davidge, 2013, p.83). With the art exhibition being the first exhibition devoted indigenous contemporary art from around the world, it attempts to broaden the views of Indigenous culture as it seeks to expand the meaning of indigenous, setting indigenous culture into a global perspective, and to demonstrate that the Indigenous artists are among the leading contemporary artists in the world (Davidge, 2013, p.83). Along with the Sakahan exhibit, Kristen Dowell (2006) discusses the intake of modern Indigenous arts as indigenous filmmakers are receiving recognition for their work. In 2005, th e leading art galleries in the U.S hosted several international indigenous filmmakers to present their work to highlight international cinemas (Dowell, 2006, p.376). The productions that indigenous filmmakers present feature documentation of indigenous cultural traditions and opposing of misrepresentation of Indigenous people (Dowell. 2006, p.376). Indigenous films such as Smoke Signals (Eyre et al. 1998), opposed the misrepresentations of Indigenous people as it comically follows the family life within an indigenous reserve focusing the father and son relationship within the film (Dowell, 2006, p.378). Discussion The differences between the time periods of Indigenous art, such as of Emily Carrs time and of modern day society, they are dependent on the artists interpretation and the perspective of Indigenous culture. During Emily Carrs time period, majority of society had not been exposed to Indigenous culture, for which made the culture very appealing to artists such as Emily Carr, who chose to look at Indigenous communities as a rarity due to colonialism. Carr viewed indigenous communities and the artefacts she found as a formal art of intense ritualistic formalism, (Stacton, 1950, p.500). With Carr observing Indigenous culture with only the perspective of the formal art they have created, Carrs art does not portray a credible representation of how Indigenous communities live. By having a non-Indigenous artist present art work that is inspired by Indigenous culture to a society who has no knowledge of Indigenous communities, it promotes a stereotype to society that is maintained today due to these types of art pieces as the majority of society are not educated or aware about Indigenous culture. This notion that without prior knowledge of indigenous culture creates indigenous stereotypes is also inclusive with Indigenous films made by non-Indigenous filmmakers as the majority of their target audiences is toward a white and middle-class audiences (Stoddard, Marcus, Hicks, 2014, p.15-16). With producing a film that misrepresents Indigenous people and their culture, it reflects a persona that society will identify Indigenous culture with as majority of the films present this type of representation frequently. As for modern contemporary indigenous art, it can be seen as a revelation as more indigenous artists are gaining the recognition by various art organizations for their work. Majority of Indigenous artwork has been done by Indigenous people as the film, Smoke Signals (Eyre et al., 1998), was the first film to feature an all Indigenous cast and crew, in which, Indigenous people wrote, directed, and starred in the film (Dowell, 2006). It is also noted that the Sakahan exhibit that was held in the National Gallery of Canada was the first exhibition to be devoted to contemporary art created by indigenous people from around the world (Davidge, 2013). Todays modern contemporary artists allow for indigenous representation to be reliable as the artwork portrays the artists culture, for which many of the indigenous filmmakers include themes within their work that represent indigeneity such as family values, traditional stories, the realities indigenous people face within society, and the conne ction of land and territories for indigenous communities (Dowell, 2006, p.377). Although many misrepresentations of Indigenous people are still active today, modern Indigenous artists, make attempts to diminish the stereotypes of Indigenous people made by those in the past who were attempting to share Indigenous culture with society during that time period. During that period, modern Indigenous artists have made progress on establishing Indigenous identity within society as many have created artwork such as films, painting, and sculptures, to showcase Indigenous culture or to bring awareness to realities indigenous people face within todays society. Conclusion With the initial question of trying to answer if modern indigenous artists diminish the stereotypes of Indigenous people, which was formed by previous indigenous art work done in the past, it can be considered that modern Indigenous artist have made progress with trying to diminish the stereotype, but more needs to be done to gain a true representation of indigenous culture and identity. Although there has been progressed made to diminish the stereotypes of Indigenous identity, many non-indigenous filmmakers are still producing misrepresentations of Indigenous culture. In trying to prevent the misrepresentation of Indigenous culture, prior to filming or starting an art project, the consultation of Indigenous people must be included when creating a project or film inspired or based on Indigenous culture to respectful of indigenous communities they are basing their artworks on. References Davidge, M. (2013). Sakahà  n, international indigenous art. Border Crossings,32 (4), 83-85 Dowell, K. (2006). Indigenous media gone global: Strengthening indigenous identity onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  and offscreen at the First Nations/first features film showcase. American Anthropologist, 108 (2), 376-384. Eyre, C. (Director), Eyre, C., Alexie, S., Rosenfelt, S., Estes, L., Skinner, D., Bressler, C., . . . Bornia, C. (Producers), Alexie, S., Capener, B., Berdan, B., Smith, B., Otis, R., Brown, R., . . . OSullivan, P. (Writers). (1998). Smoke signals [Video file]. Halkes, P. (2006). Emily Carr. Border Crossings, 25 (4), 91-93 Morra, L. (2005). Canadian art according to Emily Carr: The search for indigenous expression. Canadian Literature, (185), 43 Stacton, D.D. (1950). The art of Emily Carr. Queens Quarterly,57, 499-509. Stoddard, J., Marcus, A., Hicks, D. (2014), The burden of historical representation: The case of/for indigenous film. History Teacher, 48(1), 9-36

Monday, August 19, 2019

Courtly Love Conventions in Troilus and Creseyde Essay -- Troilus Cris

Courtly Love Conventions in Troilus and Creseyde  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   From the beginning the reader knows that "Troilus and Criseyde" is both a romance and a tragedy, for if the name of the poem and the setting of doomed Troy are not enough of a clue, Chaucer's narrator tells us so explicitly. This is a tale of:    The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen, ... In lovying, how his aventures fellen Fro wo to wele, and after out of joie2    This waxing and waning of Troilus' and Criseyde's happiness in love allows Chaucer to explore the different manifestations of love in his contemporary society, and what the costs of loving might be. In particular, Criseyde's fear of love, and betrayal of Troilus' love, raises the question: who is allowed to choose to love?    Yet despite the readers' foreknowledge of a tragic ending, Chaucer's skill is in exploring this theme, while making the outcome of the story seem anything but fixed. He "directs our responses and controls the narrative situation,"3 so that we are in constant anticipation. One scene in particular strikes me as a powerful example of Chaucer's ability to evoke this feeling of uncertainty and infinite possibility suddenly coalescing into the next inevitable movement of the plot.    In a relatively short passage in Book II (lines 876-931) Criseyde makes the symbolic decision to love, despite her concerns about the power games involved with 'true' or courtly love. She "wex somwhat able to converte"4 her fears into love of Troilus.    This scene is made up of what appears to be a simple convergence of four important elements: Antigone's song of true love, and her certain and convincing belief in true love (as opposed to mere passion - "hoot"... ...Cambridge University Press, 1986) pp. 213-226. This from p. 213. 4. Benson, Book II, 903, p.501. 5. Benson, Book II, 892, p.501. 6. David Aers, "Criseyde: Woman in Medieval Society," The Chaucer Review 13 (3) (1979), 177-200. This from p. 180. 7. Benson, Book II, 872, p. 501. 8. Benson, Book II, 874-875, p. 501. 9. Benson, Book II, 887, p.501. 10. Benson, Book II, 891, p. 501. 11. Benson, Book II, 894, p. 501. 12. Benson, Book II, 922, p. 502. 13. Aers, p. 186. 14. Benson, Book II, 922, p.502. 15. Benson, Book II, 930, p. 502. 16. Eugene Vance, "Mervelous Signals: Poetics, Sign Theory, and Politics in Chaucer's Troilus," New Literary History 10 (1979), 293-337. This from p. 328. 17. Aers, p. 180. 18. Aers, p. 181. 19. Benson, Book II, 903, p. 501. 20. Benson, Book II, 890-891, p.501.

Women Priests? :: Essays Papers

Women Priests? A topic long debated within the contexts of the Catholic Church and even outside the Catholic Church is the policy of an all male priesthood. There are many other churches within the Christian faith that have women clergy, and so the debate as to whether or not the Catholics should include the opposite sex in the clergy is a very hot topic. One person that has a fascinating view of the topic is a man by the name, Paul E. Dinter, the author of the article, â€Å"Christ’s Body as Male and Female.† In this article Dinter, a former man of the cloth, presents his take on the issue attempting to show his audience that the policy of the Church in indeed flawed. However before any member of Dinters audience can formulate an educated opinion on the topic three aspects of the article must be questioned: credibility, logic and reason, and how the article appeals to emotion. One part of this article that must be assessed is the credibility of the article, and the author is the first source that must be examined. â€Å"Paul E. Dinter spent twenty-three years in the ordained ministry, fifteen of them as Catholic chaplain at Columbia University.† Obviously this is a man that is a creditable source fore this particular topic. Not only is he an ordained minister but also a former Catholic priest. The article also stated that he is a published author and also currently a teacher in New York. It is safe to say that Dinter can be considered an expert in the field, and also builds good credibility being that he has first hand experience, as a priest. Another assessment that must be made is the credibility of the sources that the author uses. Dinter uses many different sources of which include other expert opinions, quoted from others used to explain his feelings towards the topic, and also many different verses from the Bible. One example of another expert that Dinter uses as a source is Paul Ricoeur, author of the book The Metaphysical Process. A good example of Dinter using a quote to express one of the ways that he feels about the topic is a quote that expresses his opinion on the current policy and the people in charge on the policy.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Ecosystem Services Essay -- Environmental Science

D1. What are ecosystem goods and services? People have been relying for their daily needs and well-being on nature. The natural ecosystem provides varieties of goods and services to us, for instance, fresh water, fisheries, timber, water purification etc. The benefits that people directly get from the natural systems are called ecosystem services (ES). The natural ecosystem provides both goods and services to us. The ecosystem goods are the things that people produced from soil, water and plants; Crops, Fibre, Timber, Livestock, Tourism, etc. are the example of ecosystem goods. And, at the same time people get a varieties of fundamental and life supporting services such as flood control, clean air and water, pollination of crops and other plants, natural hazard regulation, cultural, spiritual and aesthetic services which are called ES ( Kerr, G., 2010). Classification of ecosystem services The united nation was carried out an extensive study of current condition and trends of ecosystem services with the help of 1,300 experts from around the world and prepared the The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) Report in 2005. This report classifies ecosystem services into four types. 1) Supporting services: It is a fundamental unit of ecosystem services which support other ecosystem services. The soil formation, photosynthesis, nutrient cycling and water cycling are the supporting service in ES. 2) Provisioning services: These include the goods or products obtained from ecosystem such as foods (crops, livestock, fisheries, aquaculture, and wild foods), Fibre (timber, cotton, silk, wood fuel, genetic resources, biochemical, natural ... ...then the decision. The decision maker should know the consequences of their decision in ES, for example how timber supply, making dam and extensive land use for agriculture affect in ES. The decision maker action may change the ES, they should consider the trade-offs among many option at decision making time and should chose the policies that help to foster and sustain the ES (Ranganathan, J. et al., 2008). Conclusion The benefits that we get from the nature are ES and it is indispensable for our overall development and prosperity. Works Cited Ranganathan, J. et al. (2008). Ecosystem Services a Guide for Decision Makers. World Resources Institute. Kerr, G. (2010). Ecosystem Services Approach to Inform Environmental Management, Draft. Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


Sive – The abuse of power Power and the abuse of power is a central theme in Sive. The text examines the way in which empowerment can corrupt certain individuals and become a destructive factor in families and in relationships. Mena uses her powers of persuasion and her position in the family unit to satisfy her own ends and ambitions. Mena’s attitude to Sive’s education is one of begrudgery and resentment. Mena abuses her position in the family. She is empowered by her man who is easily manipulated and overcome.Mike Glavin does not have the ability to thwart the wills of his respected wife. A further abuse of her power can be seen in each text in the way Mena try’s to break up a positive relationship. Mena keeps Sive a prisoner in the house and lies to her concerning Liam Scuab’s feelings about her proposed marriage. What we observe here is a woman who seeks to control and manipulate a young person in order to suit her own agenda. The text provides a serious and devastating example of woman abusing psychological power by revealing secrets about fathers to control and influence Sive.She believes that she has succeeded and enjoys a temporary triumph. Thomasheen Rua is another example of an individual who holds tremendous power and sway over the live of others. He has a nasty streak and exploit others for his on ends. Thomasheen’s threats to Nanna engage in abuse and personal insults, which gives him an over-arching sense of his own power a sadistic streak can be observed in Thomasheen. The former enjoys talking about the County Home to terrify Nanna.Mena’s controlling manipulative behaviour has a destructive effect on the family relationships and creates a toxic atmosphere in the household. Mena has strong abjections to Sive getting an education. Mena is more motivated by jealousy and spite. On the opening of the play, â€Å"Out working with a farmer you should be instead of getting your head filled with high not ions†. Her resentment is palpable when she complains about how she has to work herself to â€Å" the marrow of the bones to give you schooling†. At this point of the play Mena does not have power to prevent Sive attending school.This power comes later when she is considering the possibility of marrying Sive off to Sean Dota. Mena uses her power over Mike Glavin to convince him that Sive should abandon her education. She asks him contemptuously if he is â€Å"forgetting the money† they will get if they manage to marry Sive to Sean Dota and wonders if â€Å" There is a soft bone somewhere in your head man†. Mike’s comment that â€Å"Sive is young with a brain by her† is ignored while Mena goes on to play on his fears that Liam Scuab is meeting Sive secretly.She exploits the hatred Mike has for Liam by deciding that Sive will not go to school again but remain under Mena’s supervision in the house â€Å" there’s one easy way to sto p that sort of thing and that is to move Sive into the west room where I can keep my eye on her and her only mean of coming and going will be through our bedroom†. Having manipulated Mike later flings Sive’s schoolbag across the room and shouts at her that there â€Å"will be no more school for you†. Using her power over both Mike and Sive Mena succeeds with her plan. Mike has no option but to comply and inform the nuns that Sive will not be attending school again.In this text we see women abusing their power over weaker men to satisfy their own selfish plans. Mena manages to separate Sive from Liam Scuab. Mena keeps Sive a prisoner in her own home. She lied to Liam Scuab as to Sive’s whereabouts she attacks him even threatening him with a knife screaming â€Å" I’ll open you! I’ll open you if you vex me more† Twisting the truth of Liam’s intentions in an effort to finally break Sive’s spirit she tells her that Liam calle d to the house to wish her well in her marriage and that he was â€Å" going away to foreign places†.Mena has no respect for the grief her actions cause others and thinks only of herself. A key scene in Sive depicts a revelation concerning the identity of Sive’s father. Mena previously uses secret information to manipulate and gain a powerful advantage over Sive. When Sive says to Mena that she doesn’t want to marry Sean Dota Mena manipulates the situation by telling Sive that her â€Å"was never a father, he had no name, you have no name† Sive is shocked and is left speechless. There’s some truth to Mena’s story but so much of what Mena says is twisted.If Sive feels the same shame as her mother because she is â€Å"a bye-child, a common bye-child a bastard† Mena will succeed in breaking her down making her compliant. Thomasheen Rua is another example of an person who misuses the power of persuasion for self-gain. He’s the cent re of a battle to ensure the Sive marries Sean Dota and he thrives on bulling and abusing those who put forward any obstacle in his desired end. Thomasheen thinks he is hard done by â€Å"making love between people I spend my days and no thanks for it†. He is capable of welding power through sarcastic comments .Thomasheen abuses and threatens Nanna who has to defend Sive. He callously tells her that she is â€Å"a lone woman with you husband feeding worms in his trench. You have terrible gumption with no one left to back you† he engages in threats by referring to the â€Å" the county home staring you in the face†. At that time many old people lived in fear of ending their days in such a place. His words have the desired effect as Nanna seems to withdraw from the attack. He has no hesitation in encouraging Mena to assert her power over Sive by threatening her with violence if she refuses to marry Sean Dota â€Å"isn’t she a bye-child.Tell her you will be ll-rag her through the parish if she goes against you. Tell her you will hunt the oul’ woman into the county home†. Later he turns on Mike mocking his naivety concerning the love letter from Liam Scuab â€Å" it comes to me that you are the greatest lump of a fool, of an eejit in the seven parishes†. Humiliation is his trump card â€Å" if you ever get out of the bog there is an asylum for lunatics where you could put down a bit of time without doing yourself any harm†.Sive chooses death as her only method of refusing to obey those who like to control her. Sive thinking that Liam has left her and that her position is hopeless escapes from her tormentors by drowning herself in a bog-hole. Sive disempowers her tomentors by committing suicide in the bog rather than agreeing to marry Sean Dota. This character chooses death to make a stand against those who abuse power for their own private often fully acknowledged reasons. Her suicide brings the play to a poig nant close and illustrates the destruction caused by a greedy abuse of power

Friday, August 16, 2019

Remedial Instruction

Remedial Instruction in English 1. Define and enumerate the procedure of the following: a. augmentative picture( Communication) device †¢These devices of technology can range from: †¢A board with pictures representing a student’s daily needs †¢Words, phrases, sentences symbolically represented on a communication display as photographs, line drawings, tangible objects or letters †¢Electronic speech synthesizers (prerecorded speech, or segments of words, computers and portable electronic devices. †¢Augmentative communication devices help individuals in producing and/or understanding speech. b. Bean bag tossing -Cornhole, also known as bean bag toss, corn toss, baggo or bags, is a lawn game in which players take turns throwing corn hole bags at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. A bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. Play continues until a team or player reaches the score of 21. Procedure †¢Bean bag to ssing matches are broken down into innings or frames [1] of play. During each inning, every player throws four bags. A player may deliver the bag from either the left or right pitcher's box, but, in any one inning, all bags must be delivered from the same pitcher's box.It is possible that both players can throw from the same pitcher's box. Also, the player gets a three foot box to throw in. Each player must deliver the bag within twenty seconds. The time starts when the player steps onto the pitcher's box with the intention of pitching. The player who scored in the preceding inning pitches first in the next inning. If neither pitcher scores, the contestant or team who pitched last in the preceding inning pitches first in the next inning. Note: one foot cannot pass the back of the board while tossing the corn bag, otherwise the point does not count. Bean bag tossing can be played as either doubles or singles. In doubles play, four players split into two teams. One member from each te am pitches from one cornhole platform and the other members pitch from the other. The first side of players alternate pitching bags until both players have thrown all four of their bags, then the players pitching from the opposing cornhole board continue to alternate in the same manner until all four of their bags are delivered and the inning or frame is completed. In singles play, two players play against each other.Delivery is handled in the same manner as doubles play. Both contestants pitch from the same cornhole platform and alternate their pitches until all of their bags have been pitched, completing the inning or frame. c. Sensory putty †¢Therapy Putty is the clinician's all-purpose answer for children who are nervous, anxious, distracted, or withdrawn in therapy. Most children can't resist Therapy Putty—It can be squeezed, stretched, twisted, and pulled into an endless assortment of shapes. It gives children an engaging yet undemanding activity that helps them ca lm down and sit still.And it often serves as an effective ice-breaker, leading the child into relaxed and productive discussion. †¢Therapy Putty is formulated to ensure long-lasting plasticity. It contains only organic, NON-BLEED colors, and it is odorless and nontoxic. It is also ideal for developing hand-muscle strength and increasing endurance. To gently increase range of motion or reduce stiffness, use Extra-Soft Tan. As strength increases, gradually increase the resistance of putty. Varying resistances are indicated by color Procedure 1.Stretch the Theraputty out and hide coins or small objects in it. Then roll it up into a ball. Have the child pull the putty apart and find all the objects you put in there. 2. Roll the putty out into a long thin snake. Have the child use their index finger to flatten the snake all along its body. Then, using their pincer grip (index finger to thumb) have them squeeze the putty back up. I should now look like a spiky dinosaur! 3. Holding th e putty in one hand, have the child pinch pieces of the putty off at a time with each finger opposing the thumb d. Sandtray technique Sandtray therapy is considered an expressive and dynamic form of psychotherapy that facilitates expression of thoughts through metaphor and symbols, according to the Sandtray Therapy Institute. The technique aims at healing individuals by allowing them to get in touch with their inner processes and past experiences. The Institute touts its ability to let people become who they are meant to be, rather than being limited by what they were taught when they were younger. †¢is a form of expressive therapy that is also known as sandplay and the world technique.It was developed by Margaret Lowenfeld, Goesta Harding, De Domenico, Charlotte Buehler, Bolgar, Fisher, Ruth Bowyer, and Dora Kalff. This non-verbal method of therapy is often used with children, but can be applied to adults, teens, couples, families, and groups as well. Sand tray therapy allows a client to construct their own microcosm using miniature toys and colored sand. The newly created microcosm then acts as a reflection of the client’s own life and allows them the opportunity to resolve conflicts, remove obstacles, and to connect to their inner being and recognize the beauty of their own soul as they begin to accept themselves.Procedure – One of the most common techniques used in sand tray therapy is the world technique. This approach involves the use of miniatures. Clients are encouraged to use miniature toys, figurines and objects in the sand in way they choose. They can add water to the sand, and place the miniatures in the sand tray in any order. The design of the sand tray is guided by their imagination and their subconscious. The result is a microcosm of their inner world. The world within the sand tray is expressed through symbolism and metaphor, and may not even make immediate sense to the client.But aided by the therapist, a client, even a chi ld, can begin to recognize the relationship between the creation in the sand and their own inner world. -The humanistic approach is another common strategy applied in sand tray therapy. Clinicians who use this technique rely solely on the client to find solutions to their problems, using the sand as a tool for healing. Through creative expression, a client is able to manifest in sand things they would otherwise not be able to vocalize or address in traditional therapy.The therapist treats the client as whole and healed, knowing that the process of sand tray therapy allows the client to find the answers that are already within them. e. Pad cast †¢a digital recording of music, news or other media that can be downloaded from the internet to a portable media player. The term originated from â€Å"P. O. D. †, meaning Portable On Demand, and â€Å"cast†, relating to the term broadcast †¢Anyone can create a podcast. All over the world, people are creating podcasts o n subjects ranging from movies, to technology, to music, to politics and whatever else you can think of.This is new original content made by passionate people who want to share their creativity with the world. †¢The cost to start podcasting is so low that anyone can do it. Most podcasters are everyday people like you and me. They could be talking to you driving in their car, sitting in their living room or speaking at a conference. You get to glimpse into their life and into their interests. †¢Podcasters are creating very raw and real content and listeners are responding. Free from corporate radio and broadcast regulations, you can create whatever kind of show you can imagine. Some podcasts are â€Å"talk show† style. Others introduce you to the latest bands and music. With podcasts you can stay current on the news, get a glimpse into someone’s life, listen to move reviews and the list goes on. †¢Most podcasts are made by people who are very passionate a bout their subject. Passion is infectious and interesting to listen to. Since the birth of podcasting, a huge variety of shows have shown up on the internet. †¢In addition, many major media outlets are also now offering podcasts. You can listen to NPR, Rush Limbaugh and many major news outlets by podcast. f. Math Manipulatives In math classrooms today, teachers are using manipulatives to help students learn mathematics. Manipulative materials are any concrete objects that allow students to explore an idea in an active, hands-on approach. Manipulatives can be almost anything –blocks, shapes, spinners or even paper that is cut or folded. †¢The power of using manipulatives is that they let the student connect mathematical ideas and symbols to physical objects, thus promoting better understanding. For example, students in grade 5 must learn about decimal numbers. Students ma ke a common mistake nwhen comparing 0. 7 and 0. 6, thinking that 7 tenths is a smaller number th an 56 hundredths. This is because students think that a two-digit number, such as 56hundredths is larger than a one-digit number, 7 tenths. That â€Å"rule† works for wholenumbers, but not decimals. If the students are asked to build these numbers using amanipulative such as base ten blocks, they can immediately see that 7 tenths is larger than56 hundredths. They connect the model to the concept of the size of the numbers. With many experiences building and representing using manipulatives, students can deepen their understanding of abstract math concepts.It can also be tools to help students solve problems. By using physical models to represent their thinking, they can move and adapt the materials as they explore possiblesolutions to problems G. Raised line paper †¢One way to assist students with difficulty in writing is by offering raised-line paper. The lines on this paper are embossed, which raises them slightly. This provides both visual and tactile cues for student s who have difficulty with letter formation, spacing and â€Å"staying in the lines. † As students write, they will â€Å"feel† the lines both with their fingers and through the motion of their pencils.This may help students to form letters and words more accurately, increasing their feeling of success with writing tasks. †¢When using this kind of tool in your classroom, it’s best to provide it for everyone if possible. This will help class projects or bulletin boards to look uniform in appearance. More importantly, kids with disabilities will have an opportunity to see that they are using the same materials as their peers. Already acutely aware that they struggle with writing, they don’t need to be self-conscious about using different paper than everyone else.In order to save money, kids can use scrap paper or regular paper for writing or dictating rough drafts, and then use the raised-line paper for final copies if necessary Procedure †¢Just p repare the tools(the particular paper) and let the students follow the lines I the paper. h. Sparkle †¢A spelling word game than has been played a lot in classrooms is Sparkle. The basic game goes like this. The person in charge of calling out the words can be the teacher or a student. When the first word is called out, the first person starts spelling it, saying only the first letter.The second person says the second letter and so on down the line. Whoever says the last letter of the word turns to the next person and says â€Å"sparkle† or any other word of your choosing, like â€Å"Whoo-hoo† or â€Å"Gotcha. † The person who would have been next is out, because he or she got â€Å"sparkled†. †¢The game continues with the leader calling out another word. Any time a student misspells a word, that student is out. Some teachers have a student sit down if they are not paying attention and do not know it is their turn or do not remember the previous letter. This helps improve listening skills.Procedure 1. The class forms a circle. 2. The teacher says a list word. 3. The first student says the first letter of the word. 4. The next in line says the second letter. 5. The student next in line says the third letter. This continues until all letters of the list word have been spoken. 6. The student in line AFTER the last letter, then says the list word. 7. The next student in line says â€Å"SPARKLE† and is OUT, and returns to his seat. 8. Anytime a student says the wrong letter, he is out and returns to his seat. 9. I usually give the winner a cap eraser, pencil grip, or something like that. . Adaptive reading materials Multisensory techniques are frequently used for students withLearning Disabilities (LD) Multisensory teaching techniques and strategies stimulate learning by engaging students on multiple levels. They encourage students to use some or all of their senses to: †¢Gather information about a task; †¢Link information to ideas they already know and understand; †¢Perceive the logic involved in solving problems; †¢Learn problem-solving steps; †¢Tap into nonverbal reasoning skills; †¢Understand relationships between concepts; and †¢Learn information and store it for later recall.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Medieval Armor

Jeff quickly realized the problem was going to turn even more complex. The 1992 medallion was ordered by 3,876 people; they planned on 4,500. The bed is $2,964. 30 and the chair is $687. 29 (with the 15% discount). Their neighbor paid the eight prudish men for their work on the docks. In our society, the average person changes jobs more often than ever before. As a result, most people are apt to do several job campaigns during their lifetime. Most jobs require applicants to submit a letter of application and a data sheet or resume. Both the data sheet and the resume give the prospective employer a summary of your background.A resume, however, is a more detailed account of your experiences and may be used when applying for a higher level job. The letter and data sheet are the means through which a potential employer first meets you. On the basis of these two documents a first impression is formed. A positive first impression usually will result in an invitation to a job interview. The refore, it is critical that a great deal of care be taken to ensure that the first impression made by these documents is a good one. Make sure that these documents are free of errors with accurate and proper information.Job interviews are used to give the potential employer a chance to screen you further to determine if you are qualified for the job and to see if you will fit in with the organization. You are expected to be on time to dress appropriately for the job interview. A conservative approach to dress is usually good advice to follow when choosing proper attire. During the interview you will need to sell yourself by emphasizing how your qualifications fit the position. We are glad that you decided to lease a two-bedroom condominium from Lakeview Condominium Association.As I indicated on the phone, you will need to send your $450 security deposit in order to reserve a unit. At the current time we do have two units that will be available for occupancy on the date you plan on m oving to Knoxville September 1. A triplicate copy of the lease agreement is enclosed for your signature. Please sign and return it to me along with the security deposit. We look forward having you as one of our tenants; you will enjoy living in a Lakeview Condominium. 1231 Woodlawn Drive Toledo, OH 43612-1712 April 5, 19—Mr. Jeffrey A.York Lakeview Condominium Association 599 Miller Road Knoxville, TN 37920-4119 Dear Mr. York: Thank you for sending the lease so quickly. My check for the $450 security deposit is enclosed along with the signed lease. I will pay the first month’s rent when I arrive in Knoxville. I do have a few questions that you can answer for me regarding the condominium complex. 1. Do you arrange to have the electricity transferred to my name, or do I need to contact the electric company? 2. To what address will my mail be delivered? 3. Is garbage disposal included with the rent? 4. Is storage space available outside the condominium?I am looking forwar d to receiving the information so I can take care of these arrangements before arriving in Knoxville on September 1 Sincerely, Jennifer A. Rose Enclosure July 6, 19—Claudia Simpkins, Office Manager DESKTOP PUBLISHING SEMINAR Attached is the brochure about the desktop publishing seminar will allow me to use more productively the desktop system that was purchased last spring. I will also be happy to share with others what I learn from the seminar. I will need to submit registration forms by July 25 to avoid a late registration fee. Maria Gibson, Document Processing Center Attachment

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Integrating sustainability Essay

During the recent years many challenges have started facing communities due to the controversial tendencies in the modern world- rapid urbanization and struggles of communities for keeping environment in the state which was common for it for many centuries. The problem which communities have come across now is very complex, and requires a very well-considered approach. On one hand, the present generation wants to enjoy all the benefits of the time and take advantages of everything what it offers to them. On the other hand, it’s important to maintain to the environment in such a way that future generations can take advantage of it as well. It’s impossible to use all of the natural resources in just recent years because further generations will not be able to use them. Therefore, issues of sustainability have become particularly sharp lately. One of the ways to face the challenge and devote necessary attention to sustainability issues is by carrying out well-balanced policy on the government level, defining the mission statement of the policy, setting correct objectives, analyzing the present state of environment and factors influencing it, and suggesting measures which can be used in order to implement the adopted strategies. The major role of strategic planning in this matter cannot be doubted. The strategy has to be carried out at the highest level in order to meet all of the goals which nowadays reality sets in front of us. In Sutherland Shire, the damage of land is connected with urban growth and the consequent influence on water quality, biodiversity and air quality. As the State of Environment Report states, â€Å"in 2002/03, a total of 2,728 development applications were received in the Shire. Of these, 2,400 development applications were approved (54 less than approved in 2001/02). Of all development applications received, 13% were associated with new residential development. Medium density development accounted for 2% (50) of all development applications in 2002/03. † (State of Environment Report, p. 10). Sutherland Shire Council has been very efficient during the recent years in setting objectives and implementing all the activities regarding environmental protection. The plans issued by the Sutherland Council manage to cover all the necessary issues which rise in the shire during the recent years. On one hand, the council focuses on the modern developments made in the shire but it also devotes lots of attention to environmental problems. In order to achieve maximum efficiency, the council regards all the activities provided in the shire to improve the life of dwellers through the prism of environmental protection. This approach has proved to be very efficient for present day realities. As the Management Plan of Sutherland Shire states, â€Å"†¦Sustainability is the ability to provide choices for future generations of the Shire without compromising those of our generation. The Shire has made progress in addressing challenges in community issues and safety, the natural environment, and transport, identified in 2000. Further integration of transport choices with land use, which affects community issues, safety and the environment, is required. An informed democratic process which carefully addresses Shire risks, and continued commitment to sustainability in council management, are fundamental to achieving sustainability. † (Management Plan, 15) The perception of sustainability provided by Sutherland Shire Council plays a very important role in all the activities provided by the council. They include solving problems regarding community safety, transport, natural environment, and some other issues. The Management Plan and State of Environment Plan of Sutherland Shire both focus on ecologically sustainable development. The whole purpose of such development is taking into consideration all of the objectives which were set in NSW Local Government Act in 1993. The Management Plan has also been created according to the council adopted Our Guide for Shaping the Shire to 2030. The major strategic goals which the council states in the Management Plan are â€Å"†¦to pursue sustainability across economic, social and environmental considerations. We address economic, social and environmental issues on a day to day basis and in this plan, have made this more tangible with triple bottom line statements against our principal activities† (Management Plan, p. 12). The plan also states that the council’s vision of the shire is â€Å"a community working together to attain safe, healthy and active lifestyles, through accountable decision-making, that achieves sustainable development and economic opportunities, that respect people and nature† (Management Plan, p. 11). Describing the vision of the shire is a very important part of strategic planning of the council because the achievement of the marked vision of the shire is the major strategic goal which the council sets for the community. The strategic goal is expressed very well in the plan, and this enables the council to plan the activities carefully in order to achieve the goal. According to all of the mentioned documents, all the developments which take place in the shire during the following years had to be done without damaging the natural environment and preventing future generations from enjoying the benefits of clean water, beautiful gardens and many other advantages which nature has given to the shire long ago. The NSW Local Government Act stated that urban development which is currently occurring in the shire is very dangerous for the natural resources, for example water, air quality, biodiversity. Therefore, when adopting future plans for the development of shire, it was very important for the local council to take into consideration all the measures which would prevent natural environment from damage. Most of the measures taken during the recent years were very successful in this regard. According to the Sutherland Shire Management Plan, the two key components of ESD in local government are: a requirement for natural resource protection actions (e. g. bushland, waterways, tree canopy, etc. ) in all unit work programs, based on management plan development, including descriptions of individual management responsibilities within core business; reporting State of the Environment results including likely outcomes for key natural resource health indicators as a result of community decisions on planning options. (Management Plan, p. 14). The council has planned many measures which would be crucial in environmental protection. In the UN-Derived Local Action 21 Program, all the measures taken for integration of council with the community were marked. All of the joint efforts of the council and the community had to be devoted to eliminating environmental problems. For example, some measures were taken regarding the areas which are currently experiencing planning change. The main emphasize in the plan was made on the risk assessment techniques which would provide all of the necessary data about the possible damage which could be given to the environment in the result of the measures. All of the objectives set in the UN-Derived Local Action 21 Program answered the main strategic goals placed in front of the environment. The results of the program implementation however showed the lack of organization communication and some mistakes made during transport planning, therefore some more consideration had to be devoted to the structure of the program in order to eliminate negative impact of the mentioned factors. The main directions which the Council has set are very meaningful and help to implement all the activities which it has stated in the strategic goal: ? pursuing ecologically sustainable development, meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising those of the future; ? demonstrating organizational delivery of integrated services and be environmentally, socially and economically responsible and accountable; ? managing resources to maintain financial viability and enhance service provision? promoting access, equity and a sense of community (Management Plan, p. 11). Most of the directions which have been set by the Council are very complex and require joint efforts of people involved in the community life. In order to increase the efficiency of implementing the goals which have been set by the council, it makes a decision to encourage as many people as possible to participate in the community life. Therefore, increasing the number of citizens involved in the community life serves one of the ways to achieve the directions mentioned above. There are some other issues on which the council chooses to focus in order to meet all of the challenges which can arise from the objectives set by it. According to the Management Plan of Sutherland Shire, the main issues on which the council is planning to focus during the next years included the following: ? Nurture our clean and beautiful natural environment; ? Improve our suburbs; ? Increase the number of citizens involved in community life; ? Maintain our prosperous local economy; ? Build safe, healthy and active lifestyles; ? Business activities; ? Support services (Management Plan). As it’s possible to tell from the list of activities which the council was providing, the main feature of the plan was combining activities leading to the increase of the level of life of people in the shire, brining development into their lifestyles, and at the same time focusing on the measures of environmental protection. It’s very important that the council has devoted lots of attention to the issue of nurturing the clean and beautiful natural environment of the Sutherland Shire. This features of the plan shows that the major strategic goals which have been put in from of the council are being implemented. The importance of other measures which have been taken by the council, like increasing the number of citizens involved in the community life, increasing the prosperity of local economy, building active lifestyles are very important as well. Those are also one of the measures which have to be taken to prepare future generations for a happy and prosperous life. If actions taken to protect environment are very important for the future generations ecology vice because they guarantee them life in a clean environment, actions taken to increase the prosperity of the shire are equally important. One of the major features of the Management Plan and State of Environment Report of Sutherland Shire is that the mentioned actions don’t come into controversion with one another. This is a very important achievement of the council’s planning which can be marked as an outstanding one. As long as the objectives of environmental activities and of urban development activities are well-balanced, the results of the plan implementation will always be positive. There are many activities which have been planned by the Council in order to protect the environment. In the plan, there have been included many activities which dealt with people’s recreation (like building public golf courses, tennis courts, vacation facilities), providing services for youth and older people and some others, but the main attention was devoted to environmental issues. The list of activities planned by the Council to protect the environment includes the following responsibilities and services: ? animal shelter ? beaches ? Bushcare ? certification (for development) ? Cleansing of public places ? clean-up campaign ? Earthworks ? economic development support? environmental assessment and application determination ? environmental compliance ? environmental education ? environmental health and regulation ? environmental planning ? environmental research and policy ? parks maintenance and construction ? plan of management for community land ? roads construction and traffic management ? stormwater drainage ? street cleaning ? waste collection and education (Management Plan, p. 13). In order to have a full view of how the activities have been balanced in the Management Plan, it’s necessary to investigate the data which is provided in the organizational budget summary. According to the data of capital works budget, the Council spends the most financial resources on building safe, healthy and active lifestyles (19,537,713), non-divisional programs and indirect income (18,073,881), and improving suburbs (10,253,947). The financial resources which are spent on nurturing clean and beautiful nature environment are the next in the list by the volume of budget expenses and can be estimated by 6,561,895. This figure appears quite low in comparison with other activities on which budget money goes. In order to maintain the environment, it’s necessary for the Council to re-structure the expenses of the budget and make sure that more resources are channeled to the environmental protection. The amount of budget money spent on building safe, healthy and active lifestyles is too high, and it’s important for the Council to devote enough attention to environmental protection. The resources which have been channeled for this issue are insufficient, and it’s necessary for the budget planners to take a closer look at this problem. The environmental programs which have been planned by the Council require substantial financial support, therefore the budget has to be planned accordingly to the possible cost of the programs. For example, as the State of Environment report marks, the following programs have been initiated by the Council: Oyster Bay Trip Substitution Project, Beaches to Bay Bus, Travel access Guides in order to reduce car use. Those projects need substantial financial support from the government. It’s very important to take measures in protecting environmentally sensitive land such as Botany Bay National Park, Geroges River National Park, Heathcote National Park, Royal National Park. In order to protect environmentally sensitive land, financial support from the council is very much needed, and large sums of money have to be channeled to the mentioned activities. As the investigations have shown, the Southerland Shire Management Plan and State of Environment report provide sufficient strategic and operational directions. They both reflect all of the strategic goals which have been set for the shire in order to provide choices for future generations without preventing present generations from enjoying all the benefits of nowadays reality. The actions marked in the plan represent a compromise between the necessity of rapid urban growth dictated by present day realities and the necessity to protect environment for future generations to enjoy beautiful nature and clean air in the same way we do now. Bibliography. 1. Management Plan. Sutherland Shire Council. 2. NSW Local Government Act, 1993. 3. State of Environment Report 2002/2003. Sutherland Shire Council.